Monday, May 6, 2019

"Canoe Trip" #1

The canoe was a big one which according to Alex would be more stable in the water. For an anchor we tied a large rock to a length of rope. The rock had to be heavy enough to anchor the canoe in one place, and not so heavy as to sink it. As we struggled to lift it, the margin between the two seemed pretty slim. With the help of the fisherman, who had kindly lent us his canoe and paddles for free, we dragged the canoe down the beach and launched it into the Lake. I climbed in first and Alex climbed in behind and pushed off. The canoe drifted away from the shore and began to rock. This continued until I got more stability by wedging my feet firmly against the sides of the canoe, and just dipping the tip of the paddle into the water. As we got into a rhythm the canoe sped up, and an image flickered before my eyes, like an old Super 8 movie, of Alex and myself in the future, in our own canoe travelling from village to village along the Lakeshore.


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